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- Works Cited | AAPImpact
Works Cited Sources regarding our statements and statistics on Mental Health, Mindfulness Tips, and AAPI AAPI Works Cited Statistics: Barr, Luke. “Hate Crimes against Asians Rose 76% in 2020 amid Pandemic, FBI Says.” ABC News, ABC News Network, 25 Oct. 2021, “COVID-19 and the Rise in Anti-Asian Hate.” Combating Anti-Asian Hate, OCA National Center, Findling, Mary, et al. “Covid-19 Has Driven Racism and Violence against Asian Americans: Perspectives from 12 National Polls: Health Affairs Forefront.” Health Affairs, 12 Apr. 2022, Testimonials: 1. “When I walk anywhere, I look left and right to see if anyone might be attacking me [ . . . ] I have been living in fear.” 2. "I have not seen my grandson who is afraid to come over to our home because of my neighbor’s verbal threats. Things have gotten so bad, I refuse to go out unless it is absolutely necessary. 3.“Since the pandemic started, my neighbor’s attitude toward me has escalated to the point [where] I had to file a protection order to make him stop with his constant violent rage and use of racial slurs … " 4. “I was shopping and [a] child grabbed my arm. Child said I should, “go back to my country!”and that I was the “reason his father died.” Mental Health & Mindfulness Works Cited CDC. “Coping with Stress.” , 6 Aug. 2021, Mindful Staff. “What Is Mindfulness? - Mindful.” Mindful, 8 July 2020, Pizer, Ann. “Follow These Steps to Start Meditating at Home.” Verywell Mind, 17 June 2022, Mental Health Statistics Works Cited Kollipara, Tanaya. “The Stigma Surrounding Aapi Mental Health.” Anxiety and Depression Association of America, ADAA, Anxiety & Depression Association of America, 4 Apr. 2022, “Asian American / Pacific Islander Communities and Mental Health.” Mental Health America,,percent%20of%20the%20overall%20population. Tanqueco, Raissa, and Sejal Patel. “Mental Health Facts for Asian Americans Pacific Islanders.” Mental Health Facts For Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders, American Psychiatric Association, 2020, “Asian American and Pacific Islander.” Asian American and Pacific Islander, National Alliance on Mental Illness, 2020, Mental Health Disparities Works Cited Tanqueco, Raissa, and Sejal Patel. "Mental Health Facts for Asian Americans Pacific Islanders." Mental Health Facts For Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders, American Psychiatric Association, 2020, Lu, Francis G. "The poor mental health care of Asian Americans." The Western journal of medicine, 17 Sep. 2002, The contributors of Psychiatric Services. "Disparities in Mental Health Care Utilization and Perceived Need Among Asian Americans: 2012-2016." Psychiatric Services, 2 Oct. 2019, "Asian American and Pacific Islander." National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), 2020, "Health Disparities." U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health, 2019,